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Skill Factory

Visit the Skill Factory and pimp your prototype in just 10 minutes! Bosch Software Innovations is on hand to support you with expertise in user experience, business model innovation, design thinking, open source, training, and technical communication – pick any of the 12 mini-services to make the most out of your prototype! You can find us on level 3 – come by and book a time slot with any of the many Bosch’s experts on site!

Opening hours

May 13, 6.00pm – 10.00pm

May 14, 10.00am – 6.30pm

May 15, 10.00am – 5.00pm

Skill Factory

Pimp your hack with the below services:

When you are just getting started:

Danish team building
Looking for activities to break the ice with fellow hackers in order to become a team?

Find your killer feature
Figuring out what feature to build or what provides the most value to your users?

Hardware Tinder
Searching for the perfect hardware match for your idea?


When you are in the thick of it

Prototype your idea
You have a brilliant idea for a technical implementation, but you don’t know how to communicate it with the best visual effect?

Name game
Contemplating a meaningful name to summarize your vision in a nutshell?

Thinking about your users’ journey and how to map and visualize them.

Meet your user
Wanting to test your prototype on a user and receive early feedback from your target group?

Business on a beer coaster
Struggling to crunch the numbers on your investment?


When you’re putting the finishing touches to your prototype

Pimp my pitch
Glitter, lights, or awesome explosions – trying to work out how to take your pitch to the next level?

Tech it easy
Having a hard time explaining your product in a user-friendly way?

How to win the Oscars
Looking to shoot an award-winning product video for your pitch?


When you want to take five

How to get into Berghain
Craving a mind break? Want to experience the best club in the world? Well, you’ll need to get past the bouncer..