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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #1 – First Steps

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #1 – First Steps


Dear exhibition partners,

I am delighted that you are all joining us at BCW22!

I am Solveig Gaida, responsible for exhibition management and your main contact person for all topics related to the exhibition. I look forward to working with you on your BCW journey over the next three months!

As preparations for BCW22 are picking up speed, I would like to introduce you to this new format: the BCW22 Exhibition Partner Newsletter. This newsletter will be sent to you on a weekly basis and will give you an overview of important information and dates.

In this first issue, I would like to draw your attention to some things you should do to get started.

1. Access your MyBCW Exhibition Partner Portal account and submit your logo

We would like to announce your participation at BCW22 on our website, our social media channels, and our online platform. For this purpose, we need various company details as well as your logo. Please use our BCW22 Exhibition Partner Portal to provide us these details. You can also use this portal to register your booth staff, invite your customers, and book additional options. To help you find your way around, we have created a manual for you.

2. Join us in spreading the word about your participation
As we announce your participation on our channels, we would love you to join us in promoting your participation on your website and your social media channels. To best help you to do this, we have created an Event Promotion Kit, that includes logos, pictures, social media snippets and suggested text. In addition, we ask you to provide us with your social media contact, so that we can get in contact with your colleague and discuss how we can best support him/her.

3. Check our exhibitor FAQ website and join our weekly Q&A session
To prepare you in the best possible way, we have summarized the most frequently asked questions from exhibitors on our FAQs website. Check back regularly, as we update the website frequently. In addition, I offer a weekly Q&A session. I will forward you the meeting in a separate meeting invite. Join this session if you have specific question you would like to address.

That’s it for the first newsletter. I hope you find this information helpful! In the next newsletter issues, I will remind you on further important deadlines, introduce you to the platform and show you how to make the most out of Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022. Stay tuned.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊

All the best

P.S.: In my postscript, I’ll be happy to reveal some – not-so-relevant – details about the IoT and beyond. So, if you made it to the end: Congratulations, here’s the first fun fact: The very first connected device was the ATM, back in the 1970s. However, other sources claim that a modified Coke machine that was able to report its inventory was the very first networked device. Regardless, it’s just crazy how old the IoT actually is.