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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #5 – Maximize Your BCW22 Experience

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #5 – Maximize Your BCW22 Experience


Dear exhibition partners,

With this newsletter I would like to draw your attention to our exciting, guided exhibition tour and what it is all about. Additionally, check out our event promotion kit. There we prepared various social media content for you – ready to use.

1. Maximize your BCW22 experience – Guided Exhibition Tour

Become a stop of the guided exhibition tour and drive attention to your products and solutions! The tour is produced on site, live streamed for the online audience, recorded and published on A tour lasts approx. one hour and includes approx. five exhibitor booths. All tours will take place twice (once on the first day and once on the second day of BCW22). The data of the participants of each tour will be shared with the respective tour stops / exhibition partners afterwards, so you can do a proper follow up.

To be part of our guided exhibition tour and get in touch with dedicated attendees, just book the guided tour in your MyBCW partner portal account – the booking is on a first come, first served base – so hurry up 😉

 2. Spread the word – in your preferred channels

I would like to draw your attention to the BCW22 Event Promotion Kit – here we have prepared logos, images, social media snippets and text suggestions to help you promote your presence at BCW22, right from the start.

3. Upload your logo and company description

If you haven’t done so already, please access your MyBCW Partner Portal account and provide us with your company logo and company description, so we can promote your presence at Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊

All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Fun fact about IoT – the data generated from IoT devices is estimated to reach around 4 zettabytes by the end of 2025! In case you were wondering, a zettabyte is equal to one billion terabytes, or one trillion gigabytes. Unbelievable!