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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #4 – Program Update and Behind the Scenes

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #4 – Program Update and Behind the Scenes


Dear exhibition partners,

With this newsletter I would like to share some exciting program news as well as present our Bosch ConnectedWorld team.

1. BCW22 exciting program kickoff

Even though BCW22 is still a few months away, we have exciting news for you: As planned for February, we will kick off BCW in November together with Stefan Hartung, Chairman of the Board of Management at Bosch, Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management at BMW, and Andrew Ng, Founder and CEO at Landing AI. Speaker and program updates will be published soon, so stay tuned.

2. Behind the scenes of Bosch ConnectedWorld

Bosch ConnectedWorld was founded in 2014 to bring together the best and most forward-thinking minds. In 2014, we started in a traditional conference hotel with 250 attendees, two stages and six booths dressed in business attire. In 2020, BCW, now dressed in business casual, welcomed more than 3,500 attendees, more than 150 speakers on five stages and 70 exhibit partners. In 2022, we will open the doors in an all-new hybrid event format, welcoming more than 10,000 attendees onsite and online. Today, BCW has emerged as one of the leading events for AIoT and digital transformation.

The core BCW team consists of eight people, some of whom have been with the event since its very beginning. Our combined BCW age is: 36.4 years 🙂 We organize ourselves thematically, meaning there is a dedicated contact for each topic to ensure everything runs smoothly and satisfactorily for our exhibitors, speakers, and attendees. I am happy to drop the names here, so you know the responsibilities, if you happen to get in contact with my colleagues:

  • Dirk Slama – Co-Founder and chief content officer
  • Sarah Nizze – Head of BCW & BCX
  • Maria Relaki – Head of content
  • Tara Calmus – Speaker relations & marketing communication
  • Franziska Meisinger – Attendee relations & marketing communication
  • Anne Gramlich – Project Management
  • Verena Reuter – Exhibition sales &
  • Solveig Gaida – Exhibition relations & exhibition management
  • In addition, all areas are actively supported by Mirijam Bosbach, Constanze Tischer and Annika Tschentscher.

To reach us all, just send an email to

3. Upload your logo and company description

If you haven’t done so already, please access your MyBCW Partner Portal account and provide us with your company logo and company description, so we can promote your presence at Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022.


If you have any question, drop me a message 😊


All the best from Berlin



P.S.:  Today I have three work related fun facts – have a great Tuesday and share a laugh

  • Small teams outperform solo geniuses. While Einsteins and Newtons do exist, they’re exceedingly rare. In real life, brilliant people are more effective and creative when working with others, especially those who are equally brilliant.
  • Feeling productive. Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.
  • Enjoy a good laugh.  Laughter boosts your immune system by enhancing your antibodies (which help fight infections) and increasing your immune cell count. This helps reduce your chances of illness and missing out on work.