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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #17 – Floorplan | Set up crew | Covid-19

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #17 – Floorplan | Set up crew | Covid-19


Dear Exhibition Partner,

The countdown on the BCW22 website is saying that there are only 21 days to Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022 will kick off. So, with this newsletter you will receive last infos on important preparation topics.

1. Exhibition partner floorplan – spread the word
I am happy to announce that now the exhibition map is now available on the BCW22 exhibition website.
So, spread the word – in your preferred channels – that you are there, at Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022, also with the snippets I sent out to you this week.

2. Your set up /tear down crew
This is just a short reminder that you require a special ticket in order to set up your booth. We will need your name and company details to grant you access to the event location – this also applies to your technical team. To collect all this info, I would like to ask that you return the appropriate excel file I sent to you to by October 31, 2022.

3. Reminder – booth coordinator ticket
Please be reminded (mentioned in detail in NL#14) that if you as booth coordinator plan to attend on-site in Berlin, we will need to change your current Online Premium Ticket to a Premium On-site Ticket – if this is the case, please let me know by latest October 21, 2022.

4. Covid-19 health and safety concept
The safety of attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and all others involved is our first priority. BCW will therefore strictly follow the rules that will be set out by the health authorities in November 2022 and introduce a range of health and safety measures.

At this point, there are no restrictions on the number of people attending nor special access requirements set-up in Berlin. In addition, there is no general mask requirement.
However, we highly recommend protecting yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following this guidance:

  • Test yourself is recommended: We recommend that you test yourself with a lateral flow test prior to journeying to the event.
  • Wearing a mask is recommended: We recommend that you wear a mask, especially if you cannot maintain a safe distance. However, this is not mandatory. We will be handing out FFP2 as soon as you access the venue.
  • Stay away, if you are showing symptoms: We ask you to not attend the event if you are showing symptoms of a cold. Your ticket can be transferred to a substitute attendee by sending an email to There is no additional cost for substitutions.
  • Sanitizers and FFP2 masks are provided: During the event, sanitizer and FFP2 masks will be available at several locations and on point of arrival.

In addition, part of our health and safety measures is a limitation up to 2,000 participants attending the event on-site.
If the local health authorities introduce a range of health and safety measures, we will inform you via email prior to the event.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Speaking of health: did you know that laughing is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20 percent – and always look on the bright side: being an optimist can help you live longer. 😊