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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #16 – Platform account & reminder

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #16 – Platform account & reminder


Dear Exhibition Partner,

1. Please activate your account
We noticed that a few of you have not log in to the platform yet.
The login is required to work on your online booth and to ensure that your account is working properly.

To log in to the platform and access your online booth, please follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the BCW22 Exhibition Partner Portal
  2. Click on the button “JOIN THE BCW.ONLINE PLATFROM”
  3. Click on the “log in” button on the top right
  4. Enter the email address you provided during event registration. “Magic

link mail” is triggered.

Note: should you have a Swapcard account already, you can access. with your existing password. (The steps 5-7 are not required.)

  1. You will then receive a Swapcard system email with subject “Magic sign in link”
  2. Click on the button and you be redirected to the platform
  3. Select your password and enter

For further instructions, please check out the recorded briefing session #1 on the information page for exhibitors.


2. Reminder of deadlines – September 30, 2022
As introduced in our previous platform briefing session, we will create your exhibitor sessions and networking tables for you.
Therefore, we need your session information until Sep. 30, 2022 (e.g. title, timing and session description).

For everyone, who has not yet handed in their session information, please provide your information via the following typeforms until Friday EOB.

In case of any questions, please check out the recording from “Q&A session for the platform #2”, our FAQs or contact us directly.
You can find all information on the information page for exhibitors:


3. Additional options booking deadlineMyBCW partner portal account

  • Guided Tours
  • Additional furniture for your on-site booth
  • Additional technical equipment for your on-site booth


If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin