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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #15 – Upcoming deadlines

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #15 – Upcoming deadlines


Dear Exhibition Partner,

Since Bosch ConnectedWorld is getting closer and closer and since we need various content from you and we do not want you to miss anything, here are the next deadlines listed:

1. September 23, 2022

2. September 30, 2022

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Speaking of deadlines and timings – everyone says, “time flies when you’re having fun,” but a study showed that people felt like time passed more slowly when listening to music they enjoyed more – most likely because people pay more attention to things they enjoy, which causes a slowdown in time perception. So, enjoy preparing Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022! 😉