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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #14 –Streaming, back walls & coordinator tickets

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #14 –Streaming, back walls & coordinator tickets


Dear Exhibition Partner,

This week I have five important topics for you.

1. Additional options – prices for streaming available
We have updated the additional options in the MyBCW partner portal and finalized the prices for the streaming options.
Please check the prices for the options (and book them directly in your account) to hold your Exhibitor Sessions directly from your on-site booth, record them and stream them live to the online audience

2. Ticket for the booth coordinator
To use the platform and / or to have access on-site, the booth coordinator (thus, the MyBCW partner portal account owner) needs to have a valid ticket. Per default, we have assigned one of your included Online Premium tickets to the booth coordinator. You will see this in the MyBCW partner portal account in the “Registrant’s overview”. Your status will be “registered”.
If your booth coordinator plans to attend on-site in Berlin, we will need to change the ticket to a Premium On-site Ticket. If this is the case, please let me know by latest October 21, 2022. This change will cause one On-site Premium Ticket to be deducted from your included ticket amount and one Online Premium Ticket to be counted towards your ticket amount.

3. Reminder to return your back wall graphics design by Sep 23, 2022
This is a short reminder to return the ZIP files containing the graphics design of your back wall by Sep 23, 2022.

4. Reminder to submit your session information until Sep 30, 2022
Please submit all session information for exhibitor sessions and networking tables by Sep 30, 2022. We will create and publish the sessions for you until Oct. 24, 2022. Please note this is not valid for any other booth information. You can make changes to your online booth any time in the Exhibitor Center.
And do not worry – not the final session content itself is requested, but only the session info that will be visible in the agenda. 😉

5. Reminder to maximize your BCW22 experience and join our hybrid Guided Tour
With our guided tour we offer the audience to get an overview of trends and new products in the field of AI, IoT and Digital Transformation. Therefore, take the chance and become a stop of the guided exhibition tour to drive attention to your products and solutions! Do you want to be part of our guided tour? Book your slot in your MyBCW partner portal – the booking is on a first come, first served base.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Did you know that the ability to forget is a sign of high intelligence. According to scientists, forgetting is equally important as remembering. “Bad memory” is a mechanism in your brain that allows you to make more room in your brain for more relevant information. It also prevents your brain from squandering space and energy. However, we all have little tools and helpers to being reminded – such as this newsletter. 😉