This offer is only adressed to commercial customers. AII prices are exclusive of value added tax (VAT).
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Information for Bosch associates

Bosch ConnectedWorld, the leading event on AIoT and digital transformation, reopens its doors on November 9 and 10, 2022, with an all-new hybrid event concept. You can decide whether you would like to attend on-site in Berlin, Germany, or online from wherever you are. This year, BCW22 offers freemium and premium tickets, online and on-site.


Let’s leverage BCW together to position Bosch as a leader in digital business and smart, connected, and sustainable products and solutions. Let’s shape the future together.

Six thought leader online sessions in 2021

Register yourself as Bosch associate

Associates can purchase tickets at the lowest available price until the start of the event:

  • On-site Premium Ticket: EUR 890 net
  • Online Premium Ticket: EUR 190 net
  • Online Freemium Ticket: EUR 0 net

When registering, make sure to use your Bosch email address. The registration system will automatically recognize your Bosch email domain and assign you the Bosch associate rate. Please do not communicate the Bosch associate rate outside of Bosch.

Promote BCW22 on your own digital channels

The Event Promotion Kit provides you with logos, text suggestions as well as snippets for social media and other digital channels.

Invite your customers and partners

You can invite your customers, partners, business contacts and anyone you feel would benefit from attending BCW. The invitation process is easy and straightforward with the Customer Ticket Shop. Simply follow these 5 steps to invite your customers and partners.

  • STEP 1: Sign the Agreement of Cost Takeover and send it to
  • STEP 2: The BCW Team is creating your MyBCW Ticket Shop Account and will send you all information including the user manual.
  • STEP 3: Click the link in the email and assign a password.
  • STEP 4: You have now access to the Customer Ticket Shop, which means you can now start to create and administrate discount codes.
  • STEP 5: Once you created discount codes, you can download invitation templates and send the discount codes to your customers and partners.

Check out the BCW program and speakers.

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