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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #22 – shutdown on Dec. 9th

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #22 – shutdown on Dec. 9th


Dear Exhibition Partner,

The Christmas season has started, and we hope you can enjoy the Christmas markets!
For us, it is time to prepare the shut down and finish post-production, so that everyone can start into their Holiday Season. That’s why, I would like to share some reminders with you. 😉

  1. shutdown on Friday, Dec. 09, 2022: Save your reports & statistics
    It is almost 4 weeks ago when many of us met in Berlin, and it is now time to close the online doors as well.

From Friday, Dec. 09, 2022, at 4:00 pm CET no attendee, no speaker and no exhibitor will have access to anymore. Therefore, don’t forget to save your leads & session reports this week.
To save your leads & reports, please proceed as follows:

Good to know

    • To get a full report of your booth staffs’ contacts, each of your colleagues need to share their leads with the team. This is how it works:
      • Each colleagues needs to go into the exhibitor center
      • Open “Your team”
      • Click on the pen next to their name
      • Activate “share your leads with the team”
  1. KPI’s & tips and tricks
    As this was the first hybrid BCW and the first hybrid event for many of you, we have been asked to share some KPI’s as well as tips and tricks. Currently, we are preparing some information for you and share them with you within the next weeks.

  2. Stay tuned on BCW24
    We also wanted to take this chance again to thank you for this year’s fantastic Bosch ConnectedWorld! Stay tuned for our next plans and save the date for BCW24 taking place on February 28–29, 2024.
    To get the latest new on BCW24 follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter or sent us an email to put you on our exhibitor notification list.

If you have any questions, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin,