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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #19 – How to get into the venue | badges | invites

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #19 – How to get into the venue | badges | invites


Dear Exhibition Partner,

Next week it’s finally time for us to open the doors to BCW22. I’m delighted that we have walked this journey together – which will culminate next week and is far from over. Today, in the last newsletter before Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022, I would like to share the following with you:

1. How to get into the venue
On-site registration for your set up / tear down crew on Tuesday, Nov 8
To get access to the event venue on November 8, you need to collect your set up / tear down badge. Please enter the venue using the street entrance on Luckenwalder Str. and follow the signage “Crew Registration”.

The on-site registration for exhibition partners opens on Wednesday, Nov 9 at 8:00 am
To get access to the event venue on November 9, you need to collect your name badge. Please enter the venue using the main entrance and follow the signage “Registration”.
Once you arrive at the registration area, there are two entry options: “Initial Registration” and “Re-Entry”. To receive your name badge, please go to the “Initial Registration” counters (located on the right). If you would like to re-enter the event at a later time, you can go to the “Re-Entry” counters (located on the left).

2. Bring your eTicket and photo ID to receive your name badge
Your eTicket can only be found and downloaded in your MyBCW account. It must be presented in either printed or digital form at the registration desk to receive your name badge. You will be asked to identify yourself with a valid photo identification document (e.g., ID card or passport – please note work ID cards do not count as an official ID document).

3. Did you invite your customers?
Just to remind you – you have a certain number of tickets for customers (on-site and online) in your package included. Have you already created the codes for your important contacts and sent them? Have they registered? Here it might make sense that you send a reminder. 😉

4. Is all your booth staff registered?
Just to remind you – you have a certain number of tickets for booth staff (on-site and online) in your package included. Have you already created the codes for your colleagues and sent them? Have they registered? Here it might make sense that you send a reminder, too. 😉

5. On-site
Wi-Fi access: at Bosch ConnectedWorld we will have two Wi-Fi’s – one for regular attendees and not password protected and a dedicated Wi-Fi only for you as exhibition partners which will require a password to access – the password you will receive on-site.
On set up day (Nov 8, 2022) I will be on-site and helping you in any way I can. If you don’t catch me, because I am helping another exhibitor, just ping me on my mobile: +49 173 61 42 642.
Catering for the booth staff during the event: Booth staff tickets include catering throughout the event (November 9–10, 2022). BCW offers a variety of food options: Daily snacks, coffee, and beverages are available. A hot lunch will be served on each of the conference days. Drinks and a buffet dinner will also be provided at the networking party. BCW takes into account different dietary needs, with all ingredients clearly labelled.

6. Ready, steady, go!
I am looking very much forward to meeting (almost) all of you on-site in Berlin next week. So, let’s do this!

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

p.s.: Speaking of the networking party – in this las newsletter I collected some random fun facts for you – maybe you have the chance to drop some of them 😉: Vending machines kill 4 times as many people per year as sharks. | The inventor of the Pringles can died in 2008 and had his ashes placed in a can. | On average, a four-year-old will ask 400 questions in one day. | On average, every adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in their body. | A starfish can regrow its limbs and regenerate its whole body from a single arm. | The weight of all the ants on earth is greater than that of all humans.