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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #13 – Q&A Session BCW.Online Platform #1 | Promotion Kit

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #13 – Q&A Session BCW.Online Platform #1 | Promotion Kit


Dear Exhibition Partner,

Was this week as busy for you as for me? We achieved a lot in the last couple of days and I want to keep up this momentum and spirit. 😊

1. Q&A Session for BCW.Online Platform #1 – on demand available now!

In this week’s session we introduced the BCW.Online Platform to you and explained how you can design your booth.
We have announced that we will record the Q&A session on the BCW.Online Platform introduction and make it available to you. Please check out the teaser box in the section helpful resources at the information page for exhibition partners.
There we have provided you not only the video, but also the shown slide deck as PDF.
Additionally, we will provide in the coming week a second teaser box – with the content of next week’s session and the week after the third teaser box with the corresponding content.

2. Promotion of your presence at BCW22

To help you communicate your participation, we have created a Content Promotion Package. This contains texts, images, snippets, logos and much more, which you can use on all your channels, such as your website, social media or in mailings.
Feel free to take a look through the input and let me know if you have any queries or need any more info or graphics.

I’ve also sent you a dedicated social media snippet as far as we already have your logo (hint to upload 😉). Once we announce the booth number in mid-October, you will receive another snippet.
If you also bring an exciting exhibit to BCW22, feel free to contact me. We will then create another snippet showing it. We are happy to respond to your posts, just tag @Bosch ConnectedWorld on LinkedIn and @BCWevent on Twitter so we can Like or Share them.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Speaking of achievements, here is an amazing human achievement to inspire you: Jadav Payeng. This dedicated man has spent the majority of his life giving back to the world by planting a forest. At this point, the thickly wooded forest is an astounding 1,360 acres. Every bamboo tree on this land was lovingly planted by Jadev after he witnessed the local wildlife population suffering due to a lack of shade. Thanks to Jadev, the environment in his area is cleaner and the animals have a safer and more comfortable place to live. If one man can accomplish this on his own, just imagine what you could do!