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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #12 – Invite customers, BCW.Online platform & exhibits

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #12 – Invite customers, BCW.Online platform & exhibits


Dear Exhibition Partner,

Now it goes blow by blow, because in less than 11 weeks BCW22 starts. I’m already looking forward to meeting you all in person. And speaking of “meeting” – surely you also wanted to meet your important customers and partners at BCW22, show your latest products and solutions from the IoT environment and thus deepen the customer relationship or get to know completely new ones?


1. Customer invite

Invite your customers and partners to Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022 – either on-site in Berlin or online. The prices for the tickets will not change for exhibitors until BCW22 – that means an on-site Premium ticket will cost you a maximum of EUR 890, – (net) and that directly until BCW! So go for it!

Because: I have to remind you of the capacity limits of this year’s BCW. Due to Covid regulations we are only allowed to have a maximum of 2,000 attendees on-site. Once this number is reached, we have to close the on-site registration.

As you have a MyBCW Partner Portal account, you can easily order and manage your invitations there. Just create the discount codes and send them out using either the provided email template or your own.

All this does not apply to online tickets, of course. There is no limit here. 😊


2. Q&A Session for BCW.Online Platform

Since we will give access to the exhibitors – so, you – onto the BCW.Online platform at the beginning of September – attendees will be able to access it two weeks before the BCW22 – we would like to introduce you to the BCW.Online platform and everything you can do there. For this we will simply hijack three of the weekly Q&A sessions – I sent you an invitation via ics.

Session 1: General intro & how to design your booth
Session 2: Exhibitor session & networking tables
Session 3: Networking – meetings & meeting management, lead generation & management


3. Exhibits

Exhibits are a great way to explain your products and solutions. So, having a good showcase accompanied by an eye-catching exhibit is always good. That’s why I wanted to ask you, if you are planning to bring an exhibit, to note it in your account in the MyBCW Partner Portal. The reason is that we look at all the exhibits and check what requirements (e.g., high voltage, need a compressed air connection, weight, etc.) are necessary for it and whether they are feasible. The exhibits are then approved by us.


4. Backwall templates

Last Friday I informed you about the availability of the backwall templates.
Please note that the deadline for returning the ZIP file is September 23, 2022!

This is a fixed deadline, because as soon as I receive the data back from you, we will check them – in case of doubt we will have to do some correction loops – then we will print the graphics and apply them to your booth’s backwall. This just takes time – and we all want to have perfect back walls, don’t we?


If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Did you know, that by size, The Louvre, in Paris, France is the largest museum on Earth, with nearly 73,000 square meters of exhibition space and that the largest exhibition piece in “The Art of the Brick” exhibition in California is the nearly 20-foot-long T-Rex made out of 80,000 Lego bricks 😮