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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #10 – Deep Dive Exhibitor Sessions & Networking Tables

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #10 – Deep Dive Exhibitor Sessions & Networking Tables


Dear Exhibition Partners,

I hope you had or still have a great vacation and are full of energy now, starting into Bosch ConnectedWorld’s hot preparation phase.

In the last newsletter I introduced you to the Exhibitor Sessions and Networking Tables and pointed you to the respective entry in the exhibitor information page. With this newsletter I want to give you a deep dive and preparation examples for both topics, so that you can prepare this better.

1. Exhibitor Session & Networking Tables

So, now: How to prepare the sessions?
Depending on your booked package you have a different number of exhibitor sessions and networking tables included – more can be booked via MyBCW Partner Portal. 😉

  • You should start thinking about which topics you want to play.
  • When the exhibitor sessions and networking tables should take place.
    • On the first and/or second day of the conference. In the morning or in the afternoon.
  • In which language they should take place
    • The conference language is English. However, you can also offer the exhibitor sessions and networking tables in any language you like, so that you reach your target group.
  • Who should speak at the exhibitor sessions and networking tables? Define speakers and moderators and send appointment blockers
  • Whether the exhibitor sessions should be recorded and streamed live at your booth at BCW, or whether you would prefer to pre-record them and then embed them via link in your online booth.

Produced on-site at your booth – Recorded and streamed live

  • If a session is to be produced / held directly at the booth at BCW, it is produced live.
  • In case the session is held at the booth at BCW in Berlin and then presented live to the online participants, the hardware & support and / or the film team would have to be booked additionally (info on this can be found in the MyBCW Partner Portal under “Additional Option” in the download).

Produced before BCW22 – Pre-recorded

  • “Pre-produced” in this case means that, for example, a webinar or similar is already available and this is simply embedded into the exhibitor session via a link.

Produced at BCW but from another location (e.g., your company headquarters)

  • Here the exhibitor would hold the session from a location of his choice, e.g., office in another city and stream it live – the link is then embedded in the session.

–> Important: please decide if you need for your exhibition session

    • Hardware & support: ready-to-use production equipment for 2 days: high quality webcam incl. tripod, configured laptop, wireless microphone incl. transmitter as well as technical support on-demand for set-up
    • Or the professional film team: production team with camera, sound and streaming equipment, execution of 30-minutes live-stream as well as recording and publishing at

and send an email to in time to request either, so that we can have the appropriate equipment or people available.

Examples to help you prepare
Keep in mind:

  • One Exhibitor Session covers 30 min and is a 1 to many format (one speaker, many listeners)
  • One Networking Table covers 45 min and is a many to many format (moderated discussion)

 Here is an example of low hanging fruit for four exhibitor sessions and four networking tables

  • Two sessions on the first day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon
  • Two sessions on the second day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon
  • All sessions are on the same topic and in the same language.
  • Each session is followed by a networking table where the topic is reviewed by a moderator and discussed with the audience.

Here is an example of widespread preparation with four exhibitor sessions and four networking tables:

  • Two sessions on the first day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  • Two sessions on the second day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon
  • Each session will cover a different topic, as you will have four topics that are exciting for the audience.
  • Each session will be held in a different language to address specific audiences
  • Two networking tables on the first day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon
  • Two networking tables on the second day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon
  • Each networking table will cover a different topic and address a different target group.

Don’t forget to identify your online booth staff and send them an appointment blocker.


2. Exhibit / Meet / Present

Please decide for your booth if you will rather have a presentation layout, exhibit layout, or meet layout of your booth and state your decision in your account in the MyBCW partner portal. For each option there is a visual example in the Partner Package slide deck.


3. Exhibitor Q&A sessions

I know, this is quite a lot to take in. For this reason and for the other topics that are still to come, I will soon also invite you to exhibitor Q&A sessions that will take place once a week. Here I will be available for half an hour to answer all your questions about the BCW22 exhibition. The resulting questions and answers will be included in the exhibitor information page, if relevant.


If you have any question, drop me a message 😊
All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  So, after all the very important info, here a completely irrelevant fun fact: did you know, that sunsets on Mars are blue?