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BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #6 – Invite Your Customers and Partners / Branding Options

BCW22 | Exhibition Partner Newsletter #6 – Invite Your Customers and Partners / Branding Options


Dear Exhibition Partner,

Some of you are certainly already in a celebratory mood, because Easter is just around the corner and spring is right on its way. I would like to inform you in this newsletter that you can already invite your customers, create your booth staff, and round off your appearance at BCW22 with well thought-out branding. Here is how it works:

1. Invite your customers and booth staff

I know it seems to be quite a long time till the Bosch ConnectedWorld 2022 will finally kick off on November 9, 2022.
However, to make sure that all your customers have an early head start send out the invitation to join you at BCW22, now. Just go to your MyBCW Partner Portal account, generate the codes, and send them to your customers. You can either use the email template provided by us and customize it or use only the code and send an individualized email. The same process applies when you invite your booth staff.

2. Branding options

To make an impression to all attending participants at BCW22 in Berlin you can up your presence by having the right branding at the right places. Check out your options in your account in the MyBCW Partner Portal – just click on the button “additional options” and book it right there.
Some of them are on a first come, first served basis, so speed up.

If you have any question, drop me a message 😊

All the best from Berlin

P.S.:  Did you know that the Easter Bunny is German: both hares and eggs were signs of fertility in Germany during the Middle Ages, and it was during this time that the legend of an egg-laying, candy-giving bunny was born – who would have guessed? 😮