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We are looking forward to your comments and to lively discussion of the Internet of Things, which will impact the everyday and business lives of all of us. Our blog is a semi-moderated platform. This means that we initially allow all comments to go online without prior moderation by the blog’s editorial team. However, your comments are checked along the guidelines below after publication. There is no right of publication.

Etiquette and tone

  • Please treat our authors and our commenting readers respectfully. If you disagree with their opinions, you are welcome to do so. Please state your viewpoint politely and in a tolerant manner. There is no need for personal attacks in a connected world.
  • The advances of the internet bring us closer together, but also make it easier for us to hide behind nicknames. Don’t get us wrong, nicknames are OK. However, since one of the pillars of the IoT is openness, we would appreciate it if people making comments would identify themselves.
  • Whenever you quote or refer to something specific, please share the source so that others can join in the discussion and have access to the same knowledge.

Moderation and deletion of comments   

We reserve the right to delete a comment or even block IP addresses if any of the following points applies:

  • The comment contains SEO-driven, commercial or promotional pitches and advertising for vendors, products, and services.
  • The privacy of a third party is not respected, for example by publishing personal data or disrespectful content.
  • The comment is obviously not related to the post or the topic of the post.
  • The comment is generated by a machine.
  • The comment is offensive or harassing – whether in a racist, pornographic, insulting or violent way – towards a person, a company or an institution.
  • The comment is in a language other than English; since our readership is highly international, we want everyone to have an equal opportunity to join in the discussion.

General feedback

Should you have questions or comments on one of our software products or on any product or service provided by the Bosch Group, please express your feedback or concern directly using this form.

Data protection

If you want to leave a comment on our blog, we will require your name and email address for verification. Your email address will not be published.